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Personal Finance, What is different in 21st century ?

Ethic line is blur It has become blur if one is earning money or cheating.  This is a by product of Internet where nowadays everyone gets information easily.  However, every person with a different background tends to reach a different intrepretation after receiving a piece of information. Very often, an offender started with a genuine intention then later turns into a global scam.  While most are still cursing the offenders, but many do not realise many more are doing the same just haven't got caught yet.  Fault or not, it is the TREND . Country borders are breached Internet, globalisation, bit coins ... whatever you see today, all are making the notion of "country" meaningless.  In the name of easier and streamline transactions world wide, anyone can invest into anything almost everywhere relatively easily. This significantly increase the rich-poor gap and many "successful" investors are hidden nowadays. confusing abundance of choices It is much har

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